Is Clinical Fox a billing service?

No. Clinical Fox is not a billing service.

Rather, Clinical Fox is a tool for, among other things, providing billing instructions to your preferred billing service or practice staff.

While at first glance it might seem preferable if Clinical Fox also managed the next step and submitted invoices directly to health funds via Eclipse and/or patients, there are two reasons why this would not be a good idea:

  1. Everyone’s billing needs are different: some clinicians need or prefer a high-touch, bespoke billing service, or have such a premium service provided by their existing practice – and others prefer a low-cost no-frills system. Clinical Fox’s primary purpose is to save you time through capture of stickers, case details, auditing of revenue and efficiently communicating your billing instructions. By being billing-system-agnostic, you can use Clinical Fox with any billing service or invoicing workflow.

  2. You should not be doing your own billing anyway. ‘Billing’ is not the simple act of submitting item numbers and fees to a fund or patient. It requires pre-operative quoting and IFCs, patient liaison, billing submission, exception management, error correction, reminders and bad debt follow-up. These are tasks for a billing service or experienced staff, not doctors. Although you can purchase software to do some of these steps yourself, your time is best spent elsewhere.


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